Preserve Your Oral Health with Preventive Dentistry in Calimesa, CA

Taking care of your family from day to day means ensuring that they’re happy and healthy in every way possible – and dental health is a big part of that goal! Dr. Scott Parker can help patients of all ages enjoy their best smiles by identifying potential damage and decay at the earliest possible stages and providing effective preventive care alongside the rest of our dedicated team. Contact us today here in Calimesa, CA to schedule your first visit, or if you have any questions we can help you with. New patients are welcomed from Yucaipa, CA and other surrounding areas.

Checkups & Cleanings

Before any treatment begins, our team needs to fully understand your oral health and any unique problems you’re facing – that’s where routine examinations come in. During this process, Dr. Parker will thoroughly review the surfaces of each of your teeth, your periodontal (gum) health, your bite, any existing restorative work, and more; digital X-rays will reveal potential concerns hidden out of view as well. Once we have all of this information, it’ll be time to sit down with you and discuss potential services that can correct any dental damage or aesthetic imperfections we located. Our goal is to formulate the ideal treatment plan that fits your budget, level of time commitment, and personal goals for your smile.

Additionally, cleanings are a vital part of these visits because they allow our talented hygienists to combat plaque and tartar, which are constant threats to oral health. You’ll leave our practice with a smile that feels polished and refreshed!

Learn More About Checkups & Cleanings

Dental Sealants

Brushing teeth as effectively as possible can be a tricky act to master, especially for young children. Sadly, this often means that hard-to-reach areas in the mouth, such as the deep grooves on the chewing surfaces of back teeth, can be missed time and time again, leading to decay. At Dr. Parker’s practice, our team wants to help with a valuable preventive aid: dental sealants. Sealants are placed over these grooves in order to protect them, keeping out food particles and bacteria that like to gather there. We want your son or daughter to be able to enjoy a cavity-free smile!

Bruxism/TMJ Therapy

Bruxism (teeth grinding/clenching) is a common oral health ailment that affects countless adults, leading to painful headaches, significant dental damage, and other frustrating symptoms that often go untreated for far too long. Severe cases may even develop into TMJ disorder over time, which can cause near-debilitating pain in the jaw joints, jaw, and nearby facial muscles. If you notice any of these problems in your day-to-day life, don’t hesitate to let Dr. Parker know; he can perform a thorough assessment of your teeth and bite and recommend helpful therapy options for relieving discomfort, including custom oral appliances and restorative adjustments.


If you or your child regularly participates in athletic events, it’s important to provide your smile with the proper protection it needs. Instead of grabbing an uncomfortable, one-size-fits-all sportsguard off the shelf at the nearest store, we strongly recommend talking to Dr. Parker about having a customized appliance made for your unique mouth that’s more comfortable, stable, and flexible.

Oral Cancer Screenings

Every year, tens of thousands of oral cancer cases are identified, many of which are already in advanced, dangerous stages. That’s why nearly half of these patients won’t survive more than five years past this initial diagnosis. Here in Calimesa, Dr. Parker takes this threat to your wellbeing very seriously, which is why he makes oral cancer screenings a vital part of routine checkups. During this time, our team will carefully scan your mouth for tell-tale signs of cancerous tissue, including the following:

If we locate any areas that seem suspicious, a follow-up biopsy can be arranged to more clearly determine the danger. Our goal is to identify oral cancer as soon as possible so that the chances of a successful recovery are much-improved.

Gum Disease Treatment

Gum (periodontal) disease is one of the most common health problems in the world, as well as the leading cause of tooth loss among adults in the United States. This infection is likely to start out with relatively mild symptoms, but untreated cases can grow out of control before you know it, leading to severe consequences for your oral health and overall quality of life. At the office of Dr. Scott Parker, our team provides valuable diagnostic assistance for gum disease as part of regular checkups, as well as treatment options that can revitalize your oral health and stop the infection in its tracks.

We encourage patients to keep an eye out for common signs of gum disease during their regular brushing and flossing routines, including oral bleeding, swollen/tender gum tissue, and excessive bad breath. If we determine that you’re struggling with this condition, Dr. Parker may prescribe scaling and root planing, which is an in-depth cleaning that removes dangerous bacteria from under the gum line and the rough surfaces of tooth roots. Antibiotic therapy can also help support the healing and recovery of your gum tissue. 

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